This paper describes a new way for uniform feed automatic control and follow-up imbibition during milling. 叙述了压榨机组操作过程中实现自动均匀喂料和跟踪渗透的新方法。
An adaptive NC programming algorithm of globoidal cams is proposed in this paper based on the constancy of feed rate and the control of chord error. 提出了一种基于进给速度恒定和控制弓高误差的弧面凸轮自适应数控编程算法。
Based on the research on the traditional PID control, this paper pays more attention to the nonlinear PID controller in order to feed the need of heading control. 因此,在常规PID控制的基础上,本文重点对非线性PID控制器加以研究,以满足船舶航向控制的需要。
This paper has a study on linear motor zero transmission feed unit in NC operation, system. It analyzes the importance of using PID parameters adjust, gives a control algorithm of linear motor PID based on PMAC and tests PID control performance. 研究了数控加工系统中的直线电机零传动进给单元,在此基础上分析了采用PID参数调节的重要性,建立了基于PMAC基础上的直线电机PID的控制算法,并通过PID控制性能加以验证。
This paper analyses the structural characteristics of the straight motor used in feed system of machine tool. In order to cut details with non-circular cross-section, the driving parts with straight motor used in feed system of the numerical control machine tools has been designed. 分析了直线电动机用于机床进给系统的结构特点,针对非圆截面加工的特殊要求,设计了用于数控机床进给系统的直线电动机驱动部件。
This paper compares the feedback voltage decoupling vector control system with the feed forward voltage decoupling vector control system, The former has a simple structure, and the latter can gain high precision of control. 对电压前馈型解耦矢量控制和电压反馈型解耦矢量控制进行分析比较,前者结构简单,后者控制精度高。
Urban water influx and water consumption are variables This paper analyses working features of feed pump station, proposes two control points for selecting pump station. 根据我国地表水源的水位变化规律及城市用水量变化规律,分析了取水泵站的工作特点,提出了两个控制点的选泵依据;
This paper focuses on effects of the valve characteristics and the transfer pipe delay on dynamic performance for boiler drum level, under varying valve opening of the feed water control valve. 本文着重探讨当给水调节伐门开度变化时,伐门特性以及管路传输迟延对锅炉汽包水位动态特性的影响。
This paper introduces a two-paralleled H-bridge topology and proposes a digital feed forward control scheme for the gradient amplifier. 本文介绍一种基于双H桥并联结构的梯度放大器的电路拓扑,并提出一种数字前馈控制算法。
The paper introduces major circuits and programming method of numerical feed control system for grinder. 本文介绍了一种磨床数字进给控制系统的主要硬件电路及软件编程方法。
This paper study the effects of the feed formulation for piglets with Linear Programming and Probability Models, in comparison with the control. 本文应用线性规划模型和概率模型对仔猪日粮配方设计进行研究,并就不同模型设计日粮对仔猪生产性能和经济效益影响进行评价和讨论。
This paper described the IC design optimization scheme of feed water heater by using Distributed Control System ( DCS), of which, the principle of water induction protection of steam turbine and on-site signal pickup scheme have already been widely used in many projects. 介绍应用分散控制系统(DCS)加热器热控设计的优化问题,其中加热器防进水原则和信号摄取方法已在工程设计中应用。
This paper presents an advanced control strategy for the refrigerant feed control using an electronic expansion valve in the gas engine-driven heat pump ( GEHP) system based on the theory analysis and experimental testing, especially for the start-up and sudden large changes conditions. 本文通过理论分析及实验测试,研究燃气机热泵系统启动过程和大范围变容量调节过程中系统流量特性,提出了适合于燃气机热泵系统的电子膨胀阀流量控制策略。
In this paper, the author introduces the mole ratio control of the feed material components in Oxychlorination reactor which belongs to Qilu Petrochemical Corporation, After analyzing the control strategy, the compensating formula of temperature and pressure was given and the complex control was realized. 介绍了齐鲁氧氯化反应器(12R002)进料摩尔比控制,并对此控制方案进行了分析,给出了实现此复杂控制的温压补偿公式。
With the double housing planer mechanical feed control characteristics, this paper developed one kind of automatic feed control system of double housing planer combined with PLC controller and converter control power supply and gear-box drive. 本文针对龙门刨床机械式进刀量控制机构的结构特点,采用PLC为主控制器,以变频器作为控制电源,结合变速箱传动机构,研制了一种龙门刨床刀架自动进给控制系统。
This paper describes an italian colour-printing system with tension control, feed modulus and colour control. 本文介绍了意大利彩色印刷设备&带有张力控制和馈电模数及色彩控制的系统。
This paper introduces a numerical control system of hydraulic proportional feed. It is designed to mainly discuss computer control technique that is applied in hydraulic proportional system, especially in hand of feed. 本数控液压比例进给系统主要讨论的是计算机控制技术在液压比例系统中尤其是在进给方面的应用问题。
Abstract The paper delineates the special features of boiler feed water control and discusses the main problems pertaining to control systems. 该文阐述了锅炉给水控制的特点,并对给水控制系统设计的主要问题进行了分析。
This paper discusses the newly development of the production of protein feed by solid state fermentation, and analyses the control method of the process parameters. 为此,阐述了近年来固态发酵生产蛋白饲料的一些最新发展,分析了固态发酵过程控制参数的控制方法。
This paper is concerned with the feed rate control of CNC machine tool, including acceleration/ deceleration control methods. DXDK800包装机膜片进给速度的微调本文介绍有关CNC机床的进给速度控制,包括加减速控制。
Various automatic control circuits such as eyespot detection circuit, pulse formation and count circuit, paper feed motor control circuit, bias correction circuit and setting circuit frequently used in trademark production are described. 介绍了一种商标生产中常用的膜切机的各部分自动控制电路,包括眼点检测电路、脉冲形成及计数电路、走纸电机控制电路、纠偏电路、置位电路等的设计。
Apart from the results obtained from a study of an analogue manipulator, this paper makes an analysis of the essence of the controlling forging feed and a suggestion for a new control system. 本文介绍了一台模拟机的研究结果,分析了锻件送进量控制的实质,提出了一种新的控制方式;
This paper provides a material feed way with controllable tension, discusses a dynamic control model, and constructs a control system with closed loop. 本文提出并采用一种可控张力的馈送方法,讨论了动态控制模型,建立了闭环控制系统结构。
In this paper, according to the characteristics of the special spiral rods 'processing, the feasibility of adjustment of the feed velocity has been justified and iterative learning control system has been established. 本文针对异形螺杆加工特点,建立了异形螺杆铣削过程迭代学习控制系统。
This paper describes the computer supervision and control system of varying speed and constant pressure for multi-pump parallel feed water based on PLC. Three level structures consist of hand control at the bottom, PLC control in the medium and computer supervision on top. 介绍了多泵并联变频调速恒压供水计算机监控系统,它采用底层手动控制、中间PLC控制、顶层计算机控制的3级控制结构。
According to Vector Control topology of Asynchronous Motor, in this thesis paper I used one kind of feed back non-liner compensation method based on double closed loop control structure where outer loop control the target and inner one control the current. 按照异步电机矢量控制策略,本文运用了一种基于反馈非线性补偿的双闭环控制结构,既由目标控制外环和电流控制内环组成。
On the basis of model in the dq coordinate system, the paper proposes a mult-closed-loop control strategy. Decoupling feed forward control is used in the inner loop current. 基于dq轴模型,提出了双闭环的控制策略,电流内环采用前馈解耦控制。